Rotkappe safety immersion heaters  with anti-burn-system (ABS)

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  • Prevents overheating
  • Prevents burning
  • Thermal protection of the immersion heater


ROTKAPPE safety immersion heaters with anti-burn system minimise possible thermal damage to plants and tanks when occurs a partial or a complete loss of liquid.


Rotkappe immersion heaters with ABS system
The integrated anti-burn system reacts in case of an exagereted temperature increase of the heating tube and switches off the heater.

Options and accessories

THB support for ABS

Support THB and holding sleeve HM to fix immersion heaters with ABS
Material : PP

Mounting sleeve EM for BC casing

For space-saving fitting in supports or tank cross-beams drill-hole diameter from 87 to 90 mm - Material  : EPDM

Holding sleeve HM for BC casing

To fix the heater in the tank cross-beams, recommanded for liquids with high temperature or  with highly concentrated steam
drill-hole diameter from 70 to 76 mm
Material : EPDM

HB support for BC casing

Support screwed onto the tank rim, easy fitment of the terminal casing
For heaters with a maximum tube lengthof  800 mm
Material : PP

Mounting wrench SB for BC casing

Universal wrench

Differential current monitor DSW3/2

Essential for three-phases heaters with ABS system

Terminal casing BC

Material red terminal casing : PP, ref. BC
Material white terminal casing : PVDF, ref. BC/L

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